Run Mac Software On Windows 7
Whart exactly are you having problems with?
Installing Boot Camp, manually updating the B.C. Drivers, Apple software update updating the drivers, or Windows Software updates?
There are 2 Methods to Create a Bootable USB drive of Mac OS on your Windows PC. Method 1: Using TransMac. Download TransMac’s latest version for Windows from this link. Connect your USB drive; Right Click on your USB drive option in TransMac and select Format Disk for Mac; After that, right-click the USB Drive and select Restore with Disk Image.
VMWare is not the only one software required to Install MAC on Windows 7,8 or 10; You require an essential Unlocker as well. Download Latest MaC Unlocker required to Install Mac OSX on Windows from link in the Social Locker Below. Like/+1/Tweet in order to Download latest Mac Unlocker. Parallels Desktop. With Parallels Desktop, you can easily run Windows on your Mac.
You will or have a full Windows install. _ALL_ Microsoft Windows software is through Microsoft or 3rd partys. Apple just supplies the drivers for their hardware to be run in Windows.

If you want to manually install the Boot Camp drivers then try here?:
Underneath the hardrive picture is a link for _Downloads_, it shows up as an error in my browser but when i put in 'Boot Camp' in the 'Search Downloads' bar I got a large list.
Run Mac Software On Windows 7 Free
Hope that helps.....
Run Mac Software On Windows 7 Download
Sep 26, 2011 12:21 AM