I Am Alive Video Game
”Constant tension and difficult emotional decisions make I Am Alive a powerful adventure” - Gamespot ”As a downloadable title, I Am Alive is a remarkable accomplishment” - Destructoid “To put it simply, I Am Alive is one of the most important releases this generation” - Strategy Informer One year after a worldwide cataclysmic event has wiped out most of human civilization, a man. I Am Alive Cheats This mysterious new title from Ubisoft is set in a modern-day Chicago devastated by a unkown force.
I Am Alive casts the player as a lone survivor in a believable, dark and insecure post-apocalyptic world. Visit the Store Page. Most popular community. After having conquered hundreds of thousands of die hard survival enthusiasts and fans of dark post-apocalyptic fictions on consoles, I Am Alive, the ground breaking survival adventure game is finally coming to PC digital platforms. I Am Alive cast the player as a lone survivor in a believable, dark and insecure post-apocalyptic world. I Am Alive (Video Game 2012) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Head down the path and turn left near the bridge. You'll find a small piece of metal sticking out from either edges of the gap. Head towards it and press space to jump across.
Once you get to the other side, turn right and you'll find one of the bridges support beams. Stand in front of it and jump to get on the metal bars that form a ladder.
Climb up and around the support beams until you get to the part where a railing is attached. Keep going until you pass the rails and press space to climb up and regain your stamina.
Walk along the beam until you can't proceed anymore. When that happens, press the right mouse button (RMB) and shimmy along the side of the beam. You'll find another ladder at the right side of it.
Proceed down the path and you'll find a small metal beam sticking out from under the bridge. Get on it and jump towards the one in front of you.
Climb up the beam then turn right. You'll see a larger beam support structure on that side, stand in front of it then press jump and make your way up the ladder.
You'll find a gap in the ladder. Press space to jump it, this will burn a lot of your stamina. Now quickly continue up the ladder and press space after getting on the last one. Recover your stamina then drop down the side of the beam and onto the ladders at the left side.
Climb up the beams and keep going to the left. Once you're on the second ladder, you'll have to go all the way to the right and up the third ladder.
You'll most likely run out of stamina before you can even reach the top. Spam the left mouse button (LMB) until you get to the top.
Now press C and you'll see your inventory. Let's talk about items for a bit. When you burn your stamina it won't go back to full like it used to. The only way to get it back is through drinking water. Sodas on the other hand only replenishes your stamina, but doesn't return the burned stamina.
Keep going to the right and you'll find a metal rope on the side of the platform. Stand in front of it then jump, slide down and drop down on the bridge.
Go left and you'll find another part of the bridge sticking out towards a metal cage. Jump towards it and keep moving forward until you get to the end, then climb up.
Continue down the bridge and you'll find a firetruck at the right side. Climb down on the lowered part of the bridge and hang on the side until you get to the ladder on the firetruck.
Climb down the ladder and drop down on the support beams below it. Now use the upper part of the support beams and make your way to the other side.
Keep going to the other side of the bridge and you'l find another large gap. Slide down on the left side and use the remaining support beams to climb across.
Enter the sewers and turn right at the first crossing. At the end of that path you'll find the entrance to the sewers on the left side. Go in to proceed.
Proceed down the sewer line and a man will call your attention.Don't approach him and don't pull your gun on him. Just walk away and he'll leave you alone.
Now turn right and climb up the fallen parts of the floor to get on the streets.
When you're out on the streets, turn left and keep following that road until you see the garbage truck, then turn right on the alley beside it.
Climb on top of the boxes and use them as leverage to reach the top of the mesh gate. Now drop down on the other end and head for the gate on the right side.
As you approach the gate a guy with a machete will call out to you. This guy is hostile, so even without any bullets pull out your gun. Press space to make him back up on the hole.
Approach him but don't take too long trying to scare him. Some of these guys will realize you have no bullets and attack you. When you're close enough, press E to drop him down the hole.
With the machete in hand head back to the gate and press E to start prying the lock open. Spam the LMB to destroy the lock and exit the area.
You'll then be harassed by additional thugs. Wait for the one with a gun to approach you, then press E to surprise kill him. Now point your gun at the second guy and scare him. That guy will surrender to you so you don't have to kill him at the moment.
Turn right and two more thugs will come at you from the side. Wait for them to approach you and shoot one of them, then point your empty gun at the second one and approach him. Press E to do a struggle kill (spam LMB to win).
You can then approach the guy who surrendered and press E to knock him out. Never leave any of them alive or conscious. You never know what will come to bite you later.
Make your way to the right side of the street and get around the blockage, then proceed to the other side and use your machete to open the gate.
Drop down on the collapsed part of the street and pick-up the first aid kit on the center of it, then climb back up through the left side.
Follow the street until you get to the police barricade, then turn right into the alley where you'll find a mother and her wounded son. These are survivors, you can choose to help them if you have the necessary item to do so and you'll get an extra retry for doing so. Just keep in mind that resources are limited and you're practically giving them your life support.
Exit the alley and turn left. Keep going down the street and an old lady will shout at you. Don't be jumpy, she won't shoot you. Just pass through and she'll leave you alone.
Continue down the street and turn left, you'll find a light post that was used as a makeshift bridge across the gap. Use the beam and make it to the other side.
Head down the street and turn left at the first intersection. Keep walking and a cutscene will play, then head inside the apartment.
Inside the apartment head for the fireplace and you'll find a letter written by your wife. After reading it leave the apartment.
Leave the apartment after the cutscene. You'll hear a little girl crying, enter the playground right in front of your apartment and approach her.
Follow her to the side of the playground and she'll go through the hole. Since you can't use that hole in the mesh, climb up the boxes and jump over the fence.
Run out of the alley and turn right. Use the light post to cross towards the other side of the street and once again follow the kid.
She'll enter into another hole, turn left when she does and you'll find some platforms that you can use to get to the other side.
Turn right once you get to the other side and follow the alley down to the mesh closing of the playground. Hop the fence and prepare to get harassed.
Don't move and don't pull out your gun. Wait for one of them to approach you and surprise kill him. Now quickly point and shoot your gun towards the guy on the left. You'll pick up a bullet as soon as you kill the first guy so you'll definitely have enough to kill 1 guy.
Then point your empty gun at the last of the thugs. Approach him while he's still scared of you and perform a struggle kill.
Head for the gate right in front of you and pry it open with your machete. Exit through that gate, then turn right and hop the fence.
Exit the alley and turn right once you're back in the main street. Visibility is noticeably getting lower at this point. Just keep going down the street.
There are some cars that will block your way but the street is generally a straight path. Just open your map every now and then to see where you're headed. Head inside the mall once you're there.
Once inside the mall, follow the linear path and turn right at the end. You'll find an escalator there, use it to get to the next floor.
Go around the left side of the escalator and you'll find a shop with its doors open. You'll notice that the back wall has some climbing posts. Jump on it and make your way to the next floor using those.
You'll be using up a lot of your stamina just making it through the first half of the climb. Use the piton that you found lying around the floor to create a rest spot for yourself before you continue up the next floor.
Leave the shop and turn right. Climb up the collapsed part of the building to get to the next floor then enter the plastic protected shop on the right side and keep walking until a cutscene starts.
Grab any supply that you can find in the room, then head out and drop down on the elevator shaft.
When you get to the lower floor, move over to the next elevator shaft and make your way up the railings inside it.
Climb up through the open elevator door a couple of floors higher, then turn right and head across the bridge.
At the end of the connecting bridge, look to your right and you'll see some exposed parts of the mall structure. Climb up the next floor using these.
Make your way up the ledge and press space to climb up on it. Some ledge can be stepped on so always check for that when you're climbing. Saves you the hassle of having to use items.
Shimmy over to the left and drop down when you reach the billboard, then continue over to the left side while hanging on the ledge. Climb up when you finally reach the other end.
Go to the edge of the building on the left side and you'll find the telescope. It would be glowing in white so you can find it quickly.
Use the telescope then go to the right side of it. You'll find a makeshift elevator. Grab the jerry can and put the gas inside the generator, then bring the elevator down.
After leaving the elevator, head to the left and you'll find another collapsed part of the street. Use the slope to get down on the platform below.
Directly in front of the slope is a metal pipe. Jump on it and use it to climb back up on street level.
Once again ride down the slope and don't forget to slow yourself down by pressing the RMB to avoid taking damage when you fall to the ground too quickly.
Your first real look at the dust. Slide down further until you get to the street below. Now while in the dust your stamina will continue to deplete. You can either drink something to replenish it or get back on higher grounds. Of course no one wants to waste resources so we'll take the other option.
After getting down on the street, head right. Approach one of the metal beams that support the train and you'll find that there's a climable part of it.
Climb out of the fog and use the small metal ledge that's still connecting the two parts of the rails to make it to the other side.

Move across the rails and climb down on the left side of the tracks. This is important, you must climb down on the left side.
When you're back in the dust again, turn around and head for the street on the right side. The game will show you where to go, so cross the street and climb up on the beams to get inside the building.
When you get inside the building, look to your left and jump on the metal tubes. Make your way to the platform on the right side using these.
Slide down the slope and slow yourself down so you can grab onto the pipe at the side, then shimmy to the left and climb up on the surface.
Go around the floor and up the stairs. Climb up on the collapsed part of the higher floor and slide down the slope. Press the LMB to slow yourself down and the RMB+A to move to the left while sliding down.
Shimmy over to the right and start climbing up the pipes to get to the next floor.
Jump up on the wood stock and slide down the other side. Go around the crates and you'll find a group of thugs. Don't move and wait for them to approach you.
Kill the first one that approaches you and shoot the one on the left side first since he's holding a gun.
You can either make the third one back up on the fire and kick him to it or just do a regular machete kill on him. Just don't shoot him cause it's a waste of bullets.
Head over to the left side of the camp and you'll find the destination marker. Approach the barricade and press E, then spam the LMB to lift it up and get to the other side.
Use the unfinished pillar as a ladder and climb up to the next floor. Head across the room, up on the wood stock and down on the other side.
There are enemies here, four of them. Kill the first one that approaches you with your machete, then shoot the one behind him with your gun.
Keep your gun up and point it at the guy on the far right side, the one who looks older. Shoot him too and the last guy will surrender, knock him out and grab bullets from the other gunman.
Go further inside the building and you'll find a staircase around the back near the windows. Climb on the stairs and proceed to the next floor. Open the barricade that leads outside once you get there.
You'll immediately be greeted by three thugs as soon as you pass through the barricade. Shoot the large thug, he's visibly large. After killing him point your gun at the smaller two and they'll surrender.
Knock the other two out and turn around. You'll find another barricade door that you can open up. Head in through it.
Head forward and you'll find some makeshift bridges that will lead you to the other side of the area. Cross to the other side and head inside the elevator.
You need some jerry cans to operate the elevator. Exit the elevator through the other side and climb up on the steel bar there and get inside the building.
As you enter the building head to the right side of the platform that you're standing on. There are some exposed metal bars hidden on the back, climb on them.
Use the turned down ladder and make your way to the other side, then continue to shimmy to the right side and drop down on the lower floor. Pick up your first jerry can.
Now drop down on the side of the platform and climb up a little bit, then move to the right and use the pipe to climb down further.
Drop down on the lowest platform to get the second jerry can, then make your way back up the way you came.
This time you need to climb back up all the way to the top of the pipe and drop down on the nearby platform. You can skip dropping on the platform but you're stamina will suffer and you'll need to use a piton or some drinks, so I won't recommend it.
Climb back up the ledges of the pillar and make your way to the left. Jump towards the exposed metal bars on the wall and use those to get back to the other side.
Drop down from the last metal bar and head for the edge of the platform, drop down from there too and head out the way you came.
Get back inside the elevator and place the gas inside the generator to power it up. The elevator will now take you to the higher floors.
Climb down the left side of the elevator and make your way to the left. Use the metal beams to climb up to the open part of the building on the left side. You'll have to use a piton or burn your stamina to reach it.
Once you get inside the bulding, climb up on the exposed parts of the wall on the left side and make your way to he back the same way.
Drop down from the pipe and slow yourself down, then roll over to the right until you're sure that when you reach the edge you'll be able to grab the pipe there.
Now shimmy all the way to the right and climb up on the exposed metal bits of the wall. Once again you may have to use a piton or either burn your stamina or drink a soda. to make it back up the pipes.
When you do get back on the pipes, press space and you can use this as a resting spot. Shimmy over to the right and drop down on the slope again.
Slow yourself down and roll over to the left so you can grab the pipe on that side. Saves you the trouble of having to use stamina to jump from one pipe to the next.
Climb up on the metal edges of the building and use them to get back inside. Once inside you'll find another pipe on the right side pillar, use it to climb up higher.
Continue scaling the wall of the building and either use a piton or stop over at the open room on the right side, two floors higher than where you started.
Keep climbing up and use a soda if you need to. A piton doesn't make much sense in being used here since you're too close to the top anyways.
Climb up on the pieces of metal that's sticking out of the pillar that's holding the crate. Get on the side of the crate and press space to climb on top of it.
You have a grappling hook now. Focus on the exposed metal on the other side of the crate and press E to attach the hook on it. Adjust your swing to land on the floor and press space to jump.
Head for the edge of the platform and look up at the beams above you. Use the grappling hook and swing over to the platform on the left side.
Climb down the path and you'll find another part that you can use the hook on. Grapple onto it and adjust your swing so that you can jump towards the exposed metal parts on the righ side.
Climb up and to the left side of the metals, then use your grappling hook on the beam at the left side of you. Swing over to the large platform diagonal of it.
Slide down the floor and drop down on the metal pipes and onto the side of the collapsed building.
Here's the fun part. Slide down the entirety of the collapsed building just make sure that you keep going to the right so you can land on the floor beneath.
When you get down, head to the right and you'll find a collapsed metal structure that you can grapple on. Swing towards the metal bars on the other side and climb down.
Turn left as you drop down on the floor and head for another unfinished metal structure at the end of the path. Jump on it and use it to climb down and head for the destination marker.
Return to Mei
Drop down on the edge of the platform and make your way down using the pipes of the scaffoldings. Then drop down to the street afterwards.
When you get to the streets, head straight towards the main street and look for a pipe on the railway that you can climb on. Remember your stamina depletes in the dust.
Once you get on the railway, climb up on the train and walk all the way to the end of it. Now use your grapple and swing over to the other side of the rails.
Use the left side of the tracks that are still intact and keep going forward towards the other end.
When you get to the end of the line you'll see a light post that's bending over. Use your grappling hook on it and swing to the other side, then climb on the pipe on the right side.
After climbing to the top of the pipe. Look to your left and proceed to walk on the larger pipe, then climb up onto the street.
A guy with a machete will threaten you, but he isn't hostile so don't attack him. Just pass through his area and climb up on the inclined path to your left.
Drop down from the wooden path and this time you'll be harassed by a group of thugs. Two of them have guns and the other two have machetes. Kill the first one to approach you, then shoot the guy on the far left side, he has the other gun.
You can either push the other two back to the fire and kick them in or you can shoot one of them and take the other one down with your machete.
When they're all taken care off, head forward then turn left and enter the elevator to get back to Mei.
After reuniting with Mei, leave the makeshift safe spot and turn left as you exit. Descend on the inclined path and use your grappling hook to swing to the other side.
Follow the only available path and get on the other side of the mall, then drop down near the bonfire and use the pipe to get to the escalator below.
Walk down the escalator and head for the destination marker near the end of the path.
Line 4
Go down the escalator and a groupof thugs will come after you. Unfortunately the one with the gun won't be the one to approach you. So go ahead and surprise kill the machete guy and shoot the one holding a gun, then take care of the rest.
Climb down the escalator and head straight towards the fire. A cutscene will play, point your gun at the guy with the machete after the cutscene.
From the campfire turn left and head for the mesh gate. Approach it then press E and spam the LMB to get it open. Once it's open head inside.
Head down the stairs and into the subway. You'll find some survivors camped here, you can take some of their supplies. For those who are playing on Steam, don't eat the meat from the pot. It's human meat and there's an achievement for not eating it.
Climb back down the tracks and head to the right side. Keep going until you reach the end of the tunnel and crouch down to pass through the rubble.
Go down the side of the track and make your way down using the small stones around the area until you get to the pipe. Then use that to keep climbing down towards the fallen train cart.
Climb back up on the rocks and make your way past the pipe you used to get down and towards the right. There's a small platform there that you can use to rest.
Start climbing the rocks again and continue to make your way to the right. You'll find a stone that's really far from you. Hold space and D to jump towards it then continue to move down. When you can't move down anymore press the RMB to drop down.
Get around the path and you'll find some parts of the tracks that fell. Climb up on the metal studs and get to the top of it. Once there jump a large jump to the right and continue up.
Once you get on the surface, turn left and you'll find some metal bars that you can use to climb up higher.
Get near the side of the stone and continue working your way up, then to the left until you get on the hanging train. You may wanna use a piton or a drink here.
Walk down the inclined sloped part of the train and hang on the edge of it, then make your way down through the metal ledges and pipes.
When you get to the very bottom, drop down right in front of the edge of the next car. Pull yourself up and exit back into the subway.
Head down the tracks and pick up the shiny thing on the right side, above the stairs. Those are bullets and you're gonna need them in a bit.
Go further into the tunnel until you start seeing some dead bodies on the floor. Take out your gun and walk a little bit more. Those three guys will ambush you, shoot the one with a gun.
Point your gun at the other two and make your way around them to pick up the bullets from the one you just killed. Now shoot the older one and aim at the last one. He'll surrender when he's left alone.
There's a hole on the left side of the tracks, head for it and drop down on the side. Make your way around the metal edges until you can drop down on the tracks below.
There are more thugs down here. Wait for the armed one to start pushing you around, then kill him. Quickly shoot the other one with a gun afterwards.
There are three left now. Shoot the larger guy and point your gun at the smaller two. They should surrender after the big guy is gone.
Proceed down the tracks until you reach the end. When you do, turn right and enter the sewes. To the right again, there's a path so head down there and up the stairs inside.
You'll exit out into a parking lot at the top. Turn right and keep going until you see a fork in the road, when you do turn left and you'll find the elevator. Head inside it.
Acquiring the Radio Transmitter
Pick up the hunting bow from the table at the back and speak to Henry. You can practice shooting here for a bit, then head out to the elevator.
Follow the path around to the right and exit the dust protection that's set up on the scaffoldings, then turn to the left and head out the gate.
Take the path to the right as soon as you leave the gate and turn left when you see the intersection. Keep going and you'll find a climbable part of the metal post. Climb up and take a breather, then climb back down.
Continue down the street and you should see a lamp post that's being used as a bridge towards the other side of the gap.
Cross the gap, then turn right and hug the wall on the right side until you find an inclined wooden path, climb up on it and up the ladder to get out of the dust.
Head into the corner and turn right to find the stairs, then follow in up. Head for the end of the path and you'll find a girl shouting, if you're willing to spend two bullets for her, approach her. Otherwise keep to the left side and drop down without getting close.
After leaving the roof, drop down again on the side of the building and climb down through the pipe line.
Back on the street turn left and head for the steel support of the train tracks, climb up on the closest one that you can find.
Turn right once you get on top of the tracks and keep heading in that direction until you start seeing some ships that are on the ground. A cutscene will automatically start once you get cloe enough on the rails.
Make your way down the curved end of the tracks and head for the building directly northwest of it, then start climbing onto the metal bars and into the building.
Enter the first room and head into the destination marker to enter the ship.
As you get onto the deck a couple of thugs will come and harass you. None of them have guns, so wait for the first to approach and struggle kill him.
Point your gun at the other two and get close to the fire, then drop your gun and wait for them to rush in. When they're close to the fire, pull it back out.
Kick one of them in before the other even gets a chance to react to you lowering your gun, then attack the last one. Of course if you have a bullet you can also shoot one of them and kill the other. Arrows work fine too but are too slow.
After dealing with the thugs, head for the right path of the deck and go all the way to the back, then take a left and another left at the end, you'll find a staircase there that can lead you below deck.
As you enter the dark space, turn left and you'll find that there are two paths. Take the one on the left and turn left again as you enter it. Descend down the stairs and into the brightly lit room.
Crouch down and turn right then approach them from the center path of the room. Draw your bow and shoot the one sitting at the middle, he has the gun.
Now pull up your gun and make the other two back off. When they get close to the fire, kick one in and kill the other. Pick up the bullet, then head into the room next to the hostages.
At the end of the corridor is a ladder. Use it to get back up on the surface of the ship.
As you exit into the deck another one of the thugs will approach you. This one has body armor, take out your gun or bow and press shift. Aim for his head and shoot. Pick up the body armor from his corpse afterwards.
Draw your bow and start heading up the stairs. Don't go up completely, just wait for someone to spot you and go back down. Wait for the thug to be in your sight and shoot him with the bow.
Pick up the bow and climb back down the stairs. Another thug will come chase you. Prepare your bow and shoot him when he gets close enough.
Keep walking down the path and turn left at the end. You can enter the door on the left if you want to. There's a pistol there that will give you one bullet, otherwise keep walking down the corridor, turn left and climb up the stairs.
Head towards the stairs right in front of you and climb up on it, then enter the room on the left to find the Transmitter.
The way you came through will magically close after taking the transmitter, so head down the stairs and dash to the next wall, quickly take out your gun and point it behind you. Shoot the larger man and point it to the other guy, he'll surrender.
Head over to where the thugs came out from and draw your bow before going down the stairs. Aim to the left side and shoot the first thug that comes. Quickly switch to pistol and struggle kill the second one.
Grab your arrow and head through the door on the left and into the next corridor. Draw your bow before you exit, then leave the door and look to your left, shoot the first thug and intimidate the second.
Head down the stairs and more goons are waiting for you back at the deck. Shoot the first one you see, then retreat back into the corridor.
Draw your bow and shoot the one closest to you, then take out your gun again and harass the others. Go and pick up your arrow while the others are scared of you and shoot another one with it. This needs to be done quickly before the armored guy can reach you.
Chances are the armored guy is probably already close to you, so draw your gun and shoot his head. Now you can easily kill the last one.
Head back into the bridge that connects the ship with the apartment and get back down on the street.
Once you're back in the street, don't go back the way you came. Instead head for the street sign that's nearby and climb up on the pipe at its side.
Walk towards the other side of the board and jump towards the pipe that runs on the side of the building. Now climb up to the roof.
Turn left when you get to the rooftop and head over to the rooftop right next to it. When you get there, climb up on the ladder that leads up the reservoir.
Head around the tank and you'll find a collapsed building at the back. Slide down the slope and open your map, you'll see that you're really close to Henry's place.
Walk forward into the street right in front of you and enter through the gates that lead into Henry's apartment. Get back inside and on the elevator.
Saving Mei's Mom - Blue Hotel
Head down the elevator and you'll notice that it's night now. On the corridor leading outside, you'll find a pistol lying on the floor. Pick it up before proceeding.
Go around the corner and equip as well as draw your bow. Wait for the first thug to come inside the protective plastic of the building and shoot him with your bow.
Quickly switch to your gun and shoot the next two thugs that will come inside. They're both armed with a gun so it's for the best to kill them quickly, even at the cost of your bullets.
The game will automatically take you out after taking the gasmask, so make sure you head back inside and pick up the bullets and arrow that the enemies dropped.
Leave the building premises and go the same way you went when you searched for the transmitter.
The only difference is once you get to the train tracks, you turn left and climb up on the train. Walk to the end of the train and use your grappling hook to swing to the other side.
Climb down the first pipe that you see and take the first road on the right side, then continue walking until you get in front of the hotel.
The game will tell you that you cannot enter through the front door and focus on an entrance further to the right. Walk over and stand on the destination marker.
Walk down the dark corridor and turn left on the first corner that you find. This area is well lit, so crouch and start climbing up the stairs.
Keep yourself hidden and try to get a first shot on the armored guy with your bow. Now wait for the others to come and shoot the guy with the gun first.
Intimidate the other two, then kill them off. Take your arrow and anything they dropped then climb up the stairs and lift the gate to open it.
Turn right as soon as you enter, then crouch down and approach the larger man at the back of the room. You can silent kill him this way.
Take out your gun and point it at the other two thugs. Wait for the armored one to approach you and shoot his head. Shoot the other thug with an arrow and kill the last one.
Proceed to the left side of the room and enter through the plastic covered entrance. Don't forget to take your arrow with you.
Turn right and open the gate that leads into the cashier, then head to the back room through there.
Head down the path and draw your bow as you get close to the corner. Shoot the thug who's guarding the stairs and pick up the bullets near the mesh gate on the left side.
Climb up the staircase and head up to the fourth floor, turn right on the first fork in the path and continue down that way.
On the second fork take a right and enter the only open door in that corridor. Inside there's a curtain blocking your view, take out your bow and wait for the man to sit on the bed, then shoot him with your bow.
When the door opens take what you can from the room and don't forget your arrow. Now leave the room and turn right, keep heading down that way.
When you get near the elevator, draw your bow and wait for the guy closest to you to get near. Shoot him, pick up the bow and shoot the big guy.
Now kill either ones of those who are left and knock out or struggle kill the last one.
Keep walking on the corridor, then turn left at the end. Peek through the door, but not that close. Draw your bow and wait for the thug to come out and shoot him when he does.
Pick up your arrow and enter the room. Shoot the large guy near the bed and pick up your arrow from him.
I Am Alive Video Game
Quickly aim the bow at the guy in the next room and kill him. Approach the bed to set Mei's mother free.All that trouble and not even a thank you. Okay head back out into the corridor and follow Linda around the hotel.
Linda will occasionally ask you to scout up ahead first. So go around the corner and ready your bow.
Draw your bow and shoot the guy who'll come out from the door marked with '2.'
Ignore the big guy and shoot the thug that's standing near the door on the left side of the first guy you shot. Use your gun since you probably won't have enough time to get your arrow.
Quickly turn around towards where Linda is and shoot the guy with the gun. Now you have two armored thugs left.

She'll ask you to once again scout ahead. But this time no one will attack you, just keep going until you see the door marked with '1' and climb down the stairs and into the subway.
From here on you'll lead. Climb down the stairs, vault over the subway entrance and hug the wall on the left side. Open the mesh gate and proceed inside.
Climb down the stairs and wait for the thug with a gun to approach you. Surprise kill him, then shoot an arrow at one the other thugs. Kill or stirke down the last one.
I Am Alive Video Game Wiki
Once that's taken care off, head down the left side of the rail and walk slowly. Hug the wall on the right and enter the first entrace that you see.Follow the corridor and climb down the stairs, then follow the path until you get back into the railway.
Turn left and keep walking on that path until you reach the end, which is blocked by rubble. When you see the rubble, turn right and enter into the sewer channel.
Cross the bridge that leads to the other side and exit through the path at the other end of it.
After passing through the tunnel, you'll find yourself inside a room with a staircase. Climb up on the stairs and enter the door at the very top.
Now head across the parking lot towards the right and you'll find the elevator. Enter the elevator to get back to Henry's.
Get on the elevator and go down to the street. Take the same path you took for the last two missions, but this time after crossing the light post bridge hug the left side near the gap and start climbing on the first pipe that you see.
Make your way to the other side of the billboard and climb down there. Now keep close to the gap and start walking to the right side of where you are.
Your path will eventually get blocked by a huge gap on the street. Move over to the right side of the street when you hit the gap and continue moving forward.
After crossing the gap, turn left and you'll find a beam support that stretches towards one of the buildings. Cross it and climb up the beam on the left.
Start walking towards the building pillar and jump up on it, then make your way to the pipes on the side and use those to climb up into the collapsed wall of the building.
Press space when you get to the open area and start dropping down from the opposite side.
Crouch down and go in through the open door. Now jump up on the second open door and pull yourself up.
Climb up on the wall that separates the shower and toilet, then turn left and climb up on the pipe. Move to the left and climb up to the next stall.
Face the wall on the right, shimmy to the left and climb up through it. Now look at the wall on the left side and jump on the pipe, then shimmy along the vents to the right and drop down on the other side.
Drop down the drapped side of the area and it will go dark. Just keep dropping down until there's nowhere to drop on.
Look to your right and you'll find a light source coming from that side. Proceed towards it and exit through the next area.
Make your way down to the lower floor and jump down on the open door furthest away from the platform you dropped down from.

You'll be stepping on a beam now, turn left and drop down on the pipe. Keep going towards the right from there.
When you get to the end of the first pipe, drop down and use the vents to continue to the right. On the last vent drop down on the metals below and jump across each one until you get on the last pipe. Now drop down on the floor.
Cross to the other side and walk on the glass frames to get on the glass pane that's sticking out towards the wall. When you get there, jump on the vents and make your way to the left.
Then climb up and start heading to the right once you get to the third row. From there climb up the pipes and jump towards the ledge on the next floor. Then pull yourself up.
Head forward outside and grab the piton there, then get back inside and turn right at the curtain. Look behind you and start climbing up on the pipes.
When you get to the top, walk up the fallen mesh gate and jump on the ledge in front of it.
Now head around the rubble and climb up on the ledge that leads to the exterior of the building. Pull yourself up and walk towards the destination marker.
Fireworks Part 2
We are going to climb that huge building, so I decided to split it into two parts. Okay head up the collapsed building and keep yourself to the right side.
There's a metal rail there that you can climb on. Jump on then move up, to the left and up again. Now head to the left and keep going until you go around the corner of the bulding.
Do a long jump on the gap between the bulding. Then climb up on the other side, take a breather and replenish your stamina bar.
Drop back down on the side of the ledge and jump towards the pipe on the left, then make your way up.
Jump towards the pipe on the right and climb up, then to the left again. Drink a soda can or water before making the second jump. Don't waste pitons you're gonna need them later.
Climb down the ledge on the opposite side of the platform and shimmy over to the left, then stand on the ledge.
Look up and you'll find a grapple point on the bit of cement that's sticking out from the higher floor. Adjust your line and jump towards the pipes that are forming a ladder.
Climb up the pipe, grab the piton on the floor and drop down on the side of the platform, then shimmy to the right and pull yourself up on the platform.
Drop down on the right side of the platform, then continue climbing up on the pipe right beside you. On the first fork on the pipe, go left and jump the gap. Jump the next gap too, then climb on the surface.
Approach the shattered window on this floor and drop down on the side of the building. Get on the beams and start making your way up.
Make your way to the open window four floors above where you started, you can see the curtain being blown by the wind there. Use drinks if you have to.
Head into the next room, but keep quiet. Draw your bow and shoot the guy who's sitting at the middle of the sofa, then hide back behind the canopy. Take out your gun and shoot the other thug on the sofa.
Head for the sofa and another guy will jump you. If you can react fast enough then maybe you can kill him with your machete. If not then just shoot him with your gun then collect your arrow.
Turn left past the sofa and into the next room. Turn left again and enter through the first corner. You'll find the stairs in the first door on the right.
On the next floor you can breathe easy. No enemies here just some survivors that banned together. Head into the corridor and out the office, then turn left and take another left to find the elevator.
Drop down on the elevator at the right side of where you entered the shaft from, then jump on the metal beams and make your way to the left side.
Once you get on the elevator that's on the higher floor (left side), jump towrds the red pipe and continue climbing up.
Turn right as you exit the elevator shaft and climb out the side of the building through the window. Use up all your pitons here if you must. This is the last climb you'll be doing.
It's a fairly long way up. Use your pitons, Sodas and Water here. Just keep climbing until you get to the roof.
Once you get on the roof, head on over to the center and it will automatically set the fireworks in place. Now head forward and slide down the side of the building.
While you're sliding down the side of the building, enter through the first open window on the right side. You'll find a jerry can inside behind the turned over cabinet.
Climb back out the window and drop down on the ledge directly below you. Just climb out the window and drop, you don't even need to move.
Exit the room, turn right and drop down on the elevator shaft again. Put the gas can in and the elevator will start to move.
It won't take you down all the way, so exit into the cloth covered part of the shaft and draw your bow.
This old man will start walking towards you. I'm not sure if a gun would work to calm him down, but I shot him with a bow and he wasn't scared of it.
Once he's down, head into the office and take the jerry can on the right side, near the windows. Now head back into the elevator shaft.
Use the jerry can on the elevator right in front of the one you used to get down, then exit into the lower floor.
Turn left and follow that corridor to the end. The last window on the left side is shattered, climb down through there and head back to the streets.
Turn right and walk towards the camp. Some thugs will come and ambush you here. I sure hope you have a bullet left to make this a bit easier.
If you don't have any, then equip your bow and wait for the machete guy to come harass you, but keep your target lock on the guy with a gun at the left side.
Kill the first guy with a surprise kill, then quickly shoot your bow at the one with a gun. Run up to him take the bow and bullet then dash to the right.
Turn around and take out your gun, point it at the smaller guy and don't shoot. Wait for the armored one and shoot his head, then deal with the last one however you want.
Take what you can find, then open your map and head back to Henry's place. Where of course you'll be harassed by thugs again.

Surprise kill the one with a gun and shoot the armored guys' head. Don't worry about using up all of your bullets here. Trust me.
Instead of heading back to Henry's apartment like you usually do, just keep going straight towards the other end of the street to find the amusement park.
And that is why you should waste the bullets. Turn right after the cutscene and climb up on the metal support for the banner on that side, climb around it and drop down inside the amusement park.
Before you do anything, head to the left and grab the arrow that's stuck on of the targets there.
I Am Alive 2
Now head back to the right and go behind the snack bar. Peek out the right side and shoot down both of those thugs that are guarding there.Sometimes there are three of them, so if there are three then run past him but make sure to run across the other corpses and take the arrow then fire at him.
Take their guns then climb up the stairs on the right side. Walk on the catwalk and drop down when you see a break in the railing. Ready your bow and shoot the thug inside the alley.
Enter the alley and take back your bow, now climb up the inclined wooden panes on the side of the building and wait for the thugs below to say that 'something is moving' then crouch down.
Slowly make your way to the right and shoot the thug that's standing guard there. Then drop down from where he fell and take back your arrow.
Turn right as soon as you drop down and you'll vaguely see a set of stairs through the fog. Quickly head over there and you'll find Henry's wheelchair.
Climb up the stairs and proceed to the right side. Pry open the lock on the gate and reunite with Mei.
Leave the enclosed area and turn right, then go all the way to the side of the railing. You can jump towards the building in front from here.
Jump towards the next platform and make your way to the back where there's a piece of wood stretching towards the right.
Follow the rooftop and jump down on the delivery van below. Now jump over to the metal pipes in front of it and start climbing up towards Linda.
You're almost done now. Just climb down the stairs and head to the right. Head for the boat and your journey is over.
To those who are having a graphic problem with this game (refer to screen cap.) where the textrures are basically disappearing. There's no other fix other than downgrading your card software to 314.22 for Nvidia. This seems to only be present withn Nvidia cards that have softwares above this update.
Here's a better look at the problem I was having when my card was on the latest drivers. This game came out 2 years ago, I doubt the dev would do anything about the problem at this point. So if you're having this problem just downgrade, then upgrade after you're one with it.